FLU VACCINE – available – book ahead or just walk in

It is important to protect ourselves against the seasonal influenza, as the symptoms of flu can be hard to distinguish from symptoms of COVID-19.

For up to date information on influenza and the flu vaccine, visit:



The Flu Vaccine is free to you if you are:

  • over 65 years of age, or

  • if you have certain long-term medical conditions, regardless of age.

  • It is also free if you are pregnant.

Children under 9 years of age who have never had the flu vaccine, will require 2 doses, given 4 weeks apart.

If you are not eligible for funded flu vaccine, the cost to you is $29

BOOK via Reception 625 3140 for an appointment, or just walk in


COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters (new variant JN.1) available at Cornwall Medical Centre

The Comirnaty JN.1 vaccine to combat the newer strains of COVID-19 is now available.

Those aged 12 years and over who have not been immunised require a single dose. People who are significantly immunocompromised require a three-dose primary course.

For those who have already had a primary course of vaccines additional doses of Comirnaty JN.1 continue to be recommended from six months after last COVID-19 vaccination or COVID‑19 infection, for those aged 12 and over who are eligible because of a higher risk of severe infection and continue to be available for healthy people aged 30 and over.  

The interval recommended from prior COVID-19 infection or vaccination is six months as we know that protection against severe disease persists for up to at least six months. Having a dose earlier has limited benefit.

Eligibility criteria for additional doses:

  1. Aged 12-29 and at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19
  2. Pregnant
  3. Aged 30 and over. 

If you prefer to have your Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines at your own local medical centre, given by your familiar team of Registered Nurses, simply phone reception 6253140 to make your booking.