This page is continuously being updated by Cornwall Medical Centre – please check this page regularly as things change quickly (Last updated 2nd Feb 2025)

  • The latest official information and updates on COVID-19 is available on this website

Thank you for all your patience ever since COVID-19 started – we have been through a lot together and your cooperation and understanding deeply appreciated from Cornwall Medical Centre.


New COVID-19 JN.1 Boosters to combat newer strains available here

Mask use continues to be an important infection prevention measure in medical centres.

We continue to encourage patients and visitors to wear masks when inside medical centres

(This is for the safety and comfort of other patients, some of whom may be on immunosuppressants, undergoing chemotherapy, pregnant, elderly etc)

We thank you for your kind understanding

If you did not bring a mask with you, we are happy to give you one when you arrive, please ask reception.


  • The Ministry of Health has informed us that with the higher level of immunity and anti-viral medication becoming available, there are fewer people who become severely unwell with COVID-19.

  • The focus of funding for COVID care in New Zealand is now geared towards those most in need and to allow all other patients to self-manage.

  • According to the new guidelines, our usual consult charges has become applicable again in most scenarios. We strongly encourage our patients, in particular those with any respiratory symptoms to perform a self- RAT test prior to coming to the clinic. For those who have respiratory symptoms, we encourage you to make your appointments by calling 6253140 so that a time can be allocated for your GP to call to streamline your appointment. You can pick up RAT kits at most pharmacies or from us – free of charge. 


If you have any respiratory symptoms (cough, cold, runny nose, sore throat, fever, headaches, muscle aches, abdominal discomfort, loss of taste or smell sensation) please:

1. Do a self-RAT test at home on the day of your visit to us, and

2. Continue to call reception 09 6253140 so that a time can be allocated for your GP to call you back to streamline your appointment


If you need to see a GP, we offer PHONE or VIDEO or IN-CLINIC consultations

  • You can either book an appointment online via Connectmed (click on the orange button at the top of this page), or phone reception (09)6253140. 
  • Online bookings via Connectmed: You will be prompted to choose PHONE or VIDEO or IN-CLINIC options.
  • Book with your usual GP (or their Associate GP) wherever possible at a time that suits you best – (the charge for virtual consultations will be the same as normal “in person” clinic consultations – in line with Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners policy)


Virtual consultations (PHONE or VIDEO consultations)

  • We continue to encourage virtual consultations.
  • Your Doctor will initiate the phone or video call as close to your booked time as possible.
  • At the end of your PHONE or VIDEO consultation:
    • We can send e-prescription to your mobile phone or pharmacy of your choice. No more paper scripts to collect. Clean and instant. Your Pharmacist starts preparing your medicine as soon as we send them your e-prescription – less wait for you at the Pharmacy.
    • We can send e-lab forms directly to Labtests. No need to collect pieces of paper from our clinic and no more lost lab forms! Once an E-lab form has been generated, you can then go to ANY Labtests collection centre for your blood test with e-lab (bring a photo ID)


IN-PERSON consultations at Cornwall Medical Centre

If you feel you need to see a GP in person at the Medical Centre, please either:

  1. phone reception 6253140 and you will be asked a series of screening questions. Or
  2. book online and choose in-person consultation option – but please answer the pop-up COVID-19 screening questions carefully.
  • We have split the clinic so anyone with any cold or flu symptoms are seen (and swabbed for COVID-19 if needed) in our dedicated assessment rooms to the rear of the building with separate entrance (away from well patients) 

We call this Red and Green Streaming (only patients in Green Streaming are allowed inside the waiting room and consultation rooms)

Please wear a mask while in our waiting room. We urge you to bring your own mask, but if you forget to bring one reception is happy to give you one when you arrive.


If you have a repeat prescription request:

  • Please request online through Connectmed (preferred) or phone your request through to our nursing team. 


Paperless E-Prescriptions available

  • We now have e-prescription capability to send scripts to your mobile phone or directly to your local Pharmacy (no need to pick up paper scripts)


Paperless E-Lab forms available

  • We are able to send e-lab forms directly to Labtests (no need to pick up any paper lab forms, no more lost forms)
  • Once your GP or Nurse has sent your e-lab form to Labtests, you can just go to any Labtests collection centre, tell them your name and show them a photo-ID –  and they will be able to do the blood test for you with results going to your GP as before.
  • Please note however that we try to do only urgent blood tests at this time, and to check the Labtests website for the latest opening sites first.